September 8, 2010

*Insert clever title here*

Not feeling particularly witty today, but you can still have some comix. Woo!

September 7, 2010


Sorry about the blog looking a bit wonky. I'm working on making it all pretty like. It will be fixed soon, I swear! :)

Comics? What nonsense is this?

I bring you the gift of an update. Three whole new shiny pages of comix-y goodness. Huzzah!

September 4, 2010

Woo, posting more comix out of boredom. :D

Woo! More dorky-ness. :D


Chantelle and I have decided to switch to blogger since livejournal was annoying me. We'll be slowly moving the comix over here. :D Here's a few comix to get everyone started.